Unleashing Your Child's Right Brain Powers for Lifelong Success
Wink is an innovative right brain enrichment and enhancement program for helping older children and adults strengthen and maintain an active right brain engagement. It is based on Drs. Ornstein and Sperry’s Nobel-prize-winning split-brain research, as well as other contemporary subsequent theories on accelerated learning.
Wink boosts traditional learning by developing and sharpening your right-brain photographic memory capabilities, visualization skills, intuition and creativity.
Each of the Seven Steps of Wink has a different and unique purpose. Together, they stimulate inspired flashes of right-brain inspiration and link your child’s creative genius to the practical left brain.
What if your child had these Right Brain Abilities?

Photographic memory
To look at something ONCE and recall - at will - the original image in vivid detail
Speed Reading
Open a textbook, flip through the pages, comprehend everything PLUS have it conveniently stored in memory for future use
Multiple language acquisition
Hear, understand and fluently converse in Japanese, French, Chinese, Spanish or more
Computer-like math calculation
Add up your grocery bill in less than one second
Perfect pitch
Tune a musical instrument with your own memory of pitch
Instinctively understand the thoughts and feelings of others
Creativity, invention
Create, tangibly experience and mentally manipulate an original masterpiece of invention in a mental workshop
Advanced visualization
Spend an hour exploring the farthest reaches of the Universe, mountain climbing in the Himalayas or resting on a beach in Waikiki
Balance in a left-brain world
In most educational systems, the right hemisphere of the brain is underutilized.
The process of learning through drills, repetition, tests and quizzes depends upon the linear, methodical left brain, which builds memory through logical links and repetition. It's a one-sided way to learn.
Left brain education is like peddling a bicycle with one foot. It can be done, but why... when you have the capacity to do more, with more.
Wink is a right-brain learning system that teaches children how to access their creative/intuitive faculties, preserving their abilities even through their teenage years and into adulthood.
7 Steps of Wink
Here’s what our super-fun accelerated learning steps are, and what they do:
Alpha Relaxation
Embrace peace
Alpha Relaxation is the process of calming the senses, centering the body and adjusting the thought waves to an alpha-wave frequency in order to access the creative universe of the mind.
Eye Exercises
Prepare your mind for speed reading
Eye Exercises strengthen the ability to focus, increase the scanning speed, stimulate brain development, accelerate memory retrieval, integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain and heighten sensitivity.
Train your eyes to act like a camera
Wink PhotoEyeplay is a unique visual process which stimulates the ability to see an object’s after-image, or negative photographic image. After-imaging activates the primary vision centers used for photographic memory.
Mental Imaging
Fly on a magic carpet!
Your mind is the laboratory of your soul. Once your Mental Imaging ability is developed, you can use your mind to play-out and test ideas before creating them materially.
Memory Linking
Boost memory with storytelling
Memory Linking consists of learning to recall many items in a specific order without the drudgery of rote memorization.
Observation Training
See more, remember more
Observation Training is the means of training your eyes (and your mind) to see more imagery details. The more details you consciously perceive, the more vivid is your recollection.
Photographic Memory
& Speed Reading
The "right brain power couple"
Photographic Memory consists of remembering several things at once, in order or at random. This type of instant memory is considered to be more right brain, and fosters creativity and intuition in learning.
Speed Reading can boost the abilities of slower readers, and help faster readers read even faster. It does not depend on your education level or intellectual development.