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Lessons 37 • 38 • 39 • 40

Lessons 41 • 42 • 43 • 44

Lessons 45 • 46 • 47 • 48

Complete Program

What's included in a TweedleWink lesson?

Each and every lesson is jam-packed with visual concepts designed to fuel your hands-on, mind-tingling, hearts-involved PLAY!

Here's what we've included in each monthly lesson plan.  Begin with Month 1.  Add as you go!

Month 1

Lessons 1-4

Heart & Mind: Every lesson begins and ends with Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Colors, Clothing, Oceans and Continents, Parts of the Body, Shapes, Table Setting, Opposites, Parts of the Face, Nature, Furniture, Musical Instruments, Vegetables, School Supplies

World: Mexico, France, Japan, Egypt

Music: C (261.6 Hz) - D sharp (311.1 Hz)

Language - Phonics: Introduction (a-o); Sound Box (a/apple, b/bear, c/carrot, ch/cherry)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Browning, More, Shakespeare, Wesley

Math: Math spots 1-20

Science: The Solar System, Parts of an Atom, The Golden Ratio, Geometric Solids

Art: Origami, Claude Monet, Nicholas Roerich, Madonna and Child Iconography

Month 2

Lessons 5-8

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Fruit, Vegetables, Musical Instruments, Summer Clothing, Winter Clothing, Home Appliances, Sewing Tools, Rooms in a House, Footwear, Carpentry Tools, Weather, Hats, Cooking Tools, Cleaning Tools

World: Spain, Kenya, Canada, Peru 

Music: E (329.6 Hz) - G (392.0 Hz)

Language - Phonics: Introduction (s-z); Phonograms (er, ur, ir, ear, oy, oi, ay, ai); Word-Building (short vowels: a, e)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Tao Te Ching, Tennyson, Stevenson, Rossetti

Math: Math spots 21-40

Science: Parts of a Flower, Body Systems, Parts of the Earth, Invertebrates

Art: Winslow Homer, Kathleen Karlsen, Turkish Carpets, Renoir

Month 3

Lessons 9-12

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: People in a Family, Actions, Flowers, Personal Care Products/Toiletries, Feelings, Fashion Accessories, Farm Animals, Workers/Occupations, Wild Animals, Playground Equipment

World: USA, Australia, Italy, Argentina

Music: G sharp (415.3 Hz) - B (493.8 Hz)

Language - Phonics: Phonograms (sh, ti, ci, si, gn, kn, f, ph, augh, aw, au, oa, ar, ei, eigh); Word-Building (i, o, u, b)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Coatsworth, Milne, Frost, Lindsay

Math: Math spots 41-60

Science: Parts of a Plant Cell, The Periodic Table, Elements 1-10, Cloud Formations

Art: Henri Matisse, Hopi Pottery, Vincent van Gogh, Tiffany Stained Glass

Month 4

Lessons 13-16

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Wild Animals, Parts of a House, Cold Beverages, Land Vehicles, Wild Animals, Sports, Butterflies, Nuts, Water Recreation, Dairy Products

World: China, India, England, South Africa

Music: C (523.25 Hz), 2-note comparisons

Language - Phonics: Phonograms (ch, ck, tch, dge, ed, ea, ee, ey, ew, ui); Word-Building (c, d, f, g)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Shakespeare, Frost, Farjean, Rumi

Math: Math spots 61-80

Science: Northern Constellations, Periodic Table of the Elements 11-20, Biomes, Parts of an Insect

Art: Michelangelo, Mosaics, Jan Vermeer, Bronze Sculptures

Month 5

Lessons 17-20

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Wild Animals, Deciduous Trees, Prepared Food, Desserts, Time Pieces, Optical Instruments, US Currency, Types of Houses, Birds

World:  Sweden, Turkey, Sudan, Scotland

Music: 2-Note Comparisons

Language - Phonics: Phonograms (igh, mb, th, ie, oo, ou, or, ow, wh, ough); Word-Building (h, j, k, l)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Fyleman, Link, Shantideva, Morley

Math: Math spots 81-100

Science: Southern Constellations, Famous Scientists, The Water Cycle, Elements of the Periodic Table: 21-30

Art: Leonardo da Vinci, Dolls around the World, Goya, Seeded Beadwork

Month 6

Lessons 21-24

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Fish, Air Vehicles, Water Vehicles, Nature (Beach, Snowy Mountains, Desert, Forest), Cattle, Reptiles, Mystical Creatures, Art Supplies, Garden Tools

World:  Germany, Brazil, Ireland, Thailand

Music: 2-Note Comparisons

Language - Phonics: Word-Building (m, n, p, q)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Field, Nash, Shakespeare, Behn

Math: Skip Counting by 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's

Science: Types of Stars, Elements of the Periodic Table: 31-40, Weather Symbols, World Rivers

Art: Paul Cézanne, Tibetan Art, Paul Gauguin, Patterns on Fine China Dinnerware

Month 7

Lessons 25-28

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Insects, Leaf Shapes, Seasons, Rescue Vehicles, Street Signs, Uniforms, Shells, Carpentry Hardware, Conifer Trees, Kitchen Spices and Herbs

World:  Portugal, Russia, Colombia, Singapore 

Music: 2-Note Comparisons

Language - Phonics: Word-Building (r, s, t, v)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Farjean, Dickenson, Psalms, Bynner

Math: Skip Counting by 5's, 6's, 7's, and 8's

Science: Parts of an Animal Cell, The Carbon-Oxygen Cycle, Elements of the Periodic Table: 41-50, Vertebrates

Art: Édouard Manet, Wood Carvings, Sandro Botticelli, Knitting Patterns

Month 8

Lessons 29-32

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Baby Animals, Famous Architecture, Passageways, Parts of a Bicycle, Rocks/Minerals, Fruit Trees, Color Hues, Community Buildings, Dinosaurs, Countries of the World (North and Central America)

World: Malaysia, Nigeria, Poland, The Czech Republic

Music: 2-Note Comparisons, C Scale

Language - Phonics: Word-Building (w, x, y, z)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Field, Millay, Shakespeare, Hickey

Math: Skip Counting by 9's and 10's; Skip Counting Backwards by 2's and 3's

Science: The Phases of the Moon, Ocean Currents, Sound Waves, Elements of the Periodic Table: 51-60

Art: Rembrandt, Paper Airplanes, Georges-Pierre Seurat, Topiaries and Landscape Art

Month 9

Lessons 33-36

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Toys and Games, Healing Herbs, Dog Breeds, Countries of the World (American Caribbean, South America, Western Europe, Northern Europe)

World:  Austria, Iran, Chile, Namibia

Music: 3-Note Comparisons

Language - Phonics: Word-Building (th, sh, ch, ph)

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Field, Alcott, Teasdale, Rumi

Math: Skip Counting Backwards by 4's, 5's, 6's, and 7's

Science: Fractals, World Deserts, The Rock Cycle, Photosynthesis

Art: Camille Pissarro, Prehistoric Cave Drawings, Mary Cassatt, Celtic Knots

Month 10

Lessons 37-40

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Layers of the Atmosphere, Types of Satellites, Types of Rockets, Manned Orbital Spacecraft, Planetary Exploration, Reading Media, Part of a Computer, Parts of a Bird, Horses, Countries of the World (Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Eastern Africa, Central Africa)

World: Ethiopia, Romania, Bolivia, Venezuela

Music: 3-Note Comparisons, Intervals, Chords

Language - Phonics: Word Building with Silent e

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Tennyson, Wordsworth, Shakespeare, Hugo

Math: Skip Counting Backwards by 8's, 9's and 10's; Equations

Science: World Climates, Periodic Table: 61-70, World's Largest Mountain Ranges, The Conifer Seed Cycle

Art: Edgar Degas, Hindu Sacred Art, Raphael, Cake Decoration

Month 11

Lessons 41-44

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Legumes, Vegetable Oils, Household Linens, First Aid Kit, Firefighting Equipment, Fishing Gear, Whales, Sharks, Stages of Growth (Frogs and Butterflies), Types of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy, Countries of the World (Northern Africa, Southern Africa, Western Africa, Eastern Asia)

World: Ecuador, Costa Rica, Finland, South Korea

Music: Flats and Sharps, Children's Songs

Language - Phonics: Word Building with Silent e; Simple Sentences

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Longfellow, Whitman, Kipling, Psalms

Math: Equations

Science: Light, The Food Pyramid, The Nitrogen Cycle, Types of Energy

Art: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ink Paintings by Tani Buncho, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Quilt Patterns

Month 12

Lessons 45-48

Heart & Mind: Positive Affirmations & Eye Exercises

Vocabulary: Telling Time, Months of the Year, Compass Directions, Frogs, Turtles, Sea Turtles, Marine Life, Types of Grain, Animal Tracks, Domestic Cats, Countries of the World (Asia, The Middle East, Oceania)

World: Greece, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Norway, Saudi Arabia

Music: Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Vivaldi

Language - Phonics: Word Building with Silent e; Simple Sentences

Language - Words: 40 Sight words, Speed reading words --> phrases --> sentence flashes

Language - Poetry: Shelley, Frost, Corinthians, Tagore

Math: Equations

Science: Heat and Matter, Food Chain, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tectonic Plates, Newton's Laws, Simple Machines

Art: Thai Fruit Carving, Élisabeth Louise Vigée-Le Brun, Katsushika Hokusai, Anders Askevold

Less than 10 minutes a day.  It's enough to give your child the world.




Right Brain Kids International

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Tel:  +60 12-265 6018

TweedleWink Australia

Suite 6, 1 Albion Place, Sydney, 2000, NSW,




Tel: (+61) 44 999 5447


H-08-04, Setiawalk,

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Pusat Bandar Puchong,

47100 Puchong,



Tel:  +60 12-243 6018

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