Here's why we do what we do.
Here's what parents, children and teachers across the globe have to say about our TweedleWink and Wink courses.
Testimonials from Teachers

Public school teacher • New York City, USA
Wink’s PhotoEyeplay system is very effective at preparing the class for the day’s lesson. The video on after images is brilliant I feel. I want to applaud you for the direction of your work, particularly on memory and
imagery. I’ve worked on these a great deal myself, and I think your presentation is very attractive and creative.
The after image training as I say, I find brilliant, particularly for students who ordinarily have difficulty with imaging in general. I’m seeing its effects on boosting imagination in writing composition, science project ideas and other areas that require creative problem-solving.
Keep up the great work!

Dr. Celeste Miller, Education Department Chairperson • Winona State University (USA)
TweedleWink was founded 30 years ago in order to understand and promote alternative types of learning which may use aspects of the unconscious as well as the conscious brain to maximize learning.
Anecdotal records kept by Ms. Hickein indicate that there are significant changes in learning abilities when children are exposed to tonal
qualities from bells, musical selections, imaging techniques, relaxation techniques, and alternate ways of learning academic content. This is an educational experiment which I have been following closely. The positive results—based upon strong relationships with surrounding adults—have deep implications on education in our society.
On a number of occasions, I have had the opportunity to witness TweedleWink lessons. I have seen young children identify and match dozens of upside down math, language and picture cards. I have even seen babies match cards using their feet to indicate their choice. I know of a child who at a young age could routinely guess the correct number of jelly beans in a jar. That these abilities exist is hardly a debatable point to those who are familiar with this phenomenon.
We are at the dawn of a new age of understanding about the unconscious as well as the conscious brain and TweedleWink is dedicated to providing quality materials to explore the new understandings we are obtaining from neuroscience.

Elementary public school teacher • Canada
I am so grateful for all the incredible work you’ve done in pulling all this together.
I find it difficult to express in words the passion that has been awakened in me to go forward with TweedleWink and Wink my country and the world.
Montessori teacher • Lima (Peru)
I just want to say: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful to you for your time and effort to bring this here. It’s the best thing going on in the world of education and healing.
You are a wonderful group of people and you have given us so much.
Testimonials from Parents

Mother of 3 children • Washington, USA
I have used TweedleWink and Wink with my three children. I began with my firstborn using a very regular program of showing beautiful pictures, flash cards, classical music and lots of walk and exercise.
Now, my first daughter is ten years old. She is so loving and caring. No one would ever know that her reading and math abilities are high school level. She is like somebody who is practicing 1 Corinthians 13:4 : Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude... She is in the gifted children’s class.
Our second daughter is seven years old. She is showing her great memory in her work. She can memorize poems,
songs, forms of Taek Won Do easily. She is strong and independent. However, she is not aggressive. In her class, she is the last person to go to take things. At about age one, when my second daughter showed her strong nature, she didn’t like to follow my guidance. TweedleWink helped me to follow her pace. I tried to trust in my daughter’s inner ability and followed her way. Through that bond of trust, she followed my way, too.
The third child is four. My mother says that he talks and behaves like an adult because he is emotionally so mature. He understands other people’s situations and feelings. He himself looks very secure.
Right brain education is an education of hearts. In order for hearts to grow, they need love. They need to be shown love. Words from hearts are very crucial. Right brain education teaches us how to communicate heart to heart. In order to practice it we have to be honest and pure just like babies. We can learn so much from babies. That was my motivation to start Right brain education. Keep and develop a pure spirit, heart and soul. External performance such as academic achievement is merely attribute of this wonderful education system.
I am grateful to Pamela and TweedleWink for showing me the best way to help my children.

Mother of 2 • Montana (USA)
I have tried many curriculums and programs for my two children, but nothing is as fun and beneficial as this TweedleWink and Wink. We’ve used them since 2001, and I have found that by the wonderful right brain educational techniques have accelerated my children in many other areas because of the integrating effect it has on the brain.
My children both love the lessons. My seven-year-old loves the memory train, and consistently amazes me with her abilities. She is up to 300 and is writing new stories to add to it. My ten-year-old’s favorites are the memory games, such as Word Catch.
I have a lot of fun with PhotoEyeplay and I have noticed personally how much sharper and vivid my memories are.
With Mental Imagination trips, we can journey to any place we have ever been together as a family and relive the experience! This is especially helpful during a long Montana winter when we want to re-live a Hawaiian vacation we took once....
I appreciate this program because it honors and respects the unique genius in each child, and has helped us grow together and learn together in a loving, fun way. It helps each person reach his or her full potential, and heals our self-limiting concepts.
What a gift!

Father of 2 • Singapore
I’m a strong believer of right brain training simply becos’ I feel that it helps to bring out the vast potential of children, an area that has been generating an increasing level of awareness amongst many Asian parents in the recent years. But the right brain educational program here in Singapore do not keep the right brain pathway open.
I have been seeking for a good alternative to the right brain educational program currently taught here for quite sometime as I feel that it promotes a competitive environment and they put the children through various
tests. This is against my belief of learning through a relaxed, fun and loving environment.
Until now, I have been teaching my own children at home. We are working parents and the time we spent in preparing the materials has taken our time away from our children. We understand that many working parents with young children are facing this problem as well. In fact, we begin to see that there has been increasing demand for right brain training here in Singapore but parents are unable to find a good, organized program, apart from the competitive kind.
When I came across the TweedleWink philosophy and program, I leapt for joy. This is exactly the type of right brain training which I believe will benefit our children most un-competitive, loving, nurturing and gentle,
believing in the best of children.
Singapore is a very competitive country. The lifestyle here is very hectic. Usually both parents work full time to bring in double income in order to support the family. Thus, parents have less time to coach their children
(much against their will). Therefore, TweedleWink will really help these parents.
Thank you for all that you are doing!

Mother of 1 • California (USA)
I had the incredible opportunity to begin work with TweedleWink and learned all about right brain education when my son, John, was just a few months old. The activities were fun for both of us.
John is now 4-1/2 years old and over the past 4 years, we have done right brain lessons time and again. Initially sceptical, my parents are amazed at his ability to recognize obscure types of birds, add up sums troublesome for 10-year-olds, and yet he is still just a regular happy-go-lucky little guy.
What amazes me most is not that he does or doesn’t perform the activities as prescribed. What John has acquired is a tremendous love of active learning and self-direction using all types of learning styles and activities.
He has such an intuition, passion and curiosity about life. I am constantly astonished by his knowing what I am thinking to the exact precise words and concepts. I believe that this is due to our loving bond and an open right brain pathway. I never test him or scold him when he is wrong in any of the lessons—I save scolding for the important matters, that have to do with molding his character.
What I discovered benefits me most about right brain education is the openness John and I both have to learning, to living and to simply enjoying life.
Testimonials from Students

11-year-old student • Montana (USA)
I have been using right brain education all of my life. It has helped me a lot in school and at home. I can scan a page of information and remember a lot of the facts that were displayed on the page.
This form of learning is GREAT! Because I have been using right brain educational techniques since I was born I was reading at the age
of two. I am very glad to have been exposed to this type of learning at a young age.
From Paulina (Caleb’s Mother)
Caleb is a 4.0 student in 6th grade at a college preparatory school.
His speed reading, depending upon the material is: 360-480 wpm (Novels are faster, resource material is slower)
At 2nd grade, he was reading at 9th grade level.
He can mentally image projects from beginning to completion accurately enough to modify plans, in his mind, and start again until he has, what he thinks, is a working model.
His memory is very strong, but I have not tested the digit span lately. Last year is was 250 sequential memory/40 images all-at-once (my goal is to make this a relaxed program and testing can interfere with that.)
From his report card:
“Caleb’s abilities are well beyond his years. Is he a real sixth grade boy? I keep looking for wires and plugs, but can’t seem to find any!”
- Caleb's English instructor