TweedleWink Appleseed
...because right brain kids deserve a whole new way to read.
Help your child learn to read with a picture-based right brain reading method to boost photographic memory, speed reading, playful storytelling and strong early literacy skills.

TweedleWink’s Appleseed Right Brain Reading Program was designed with the unique qualities of your child’s right brain in mind. Why is this important?
The right brain experiences language in a completely different way from the logical left brain. The right brain is known as “the picture brain.” The left brain is known as “the language brain.” When right-brain children learn to read, they tend to struggle. They gravitate to pictures instead of words. They see words as shapes (and sometimes colors). Traditional sight word or phonics methods can feel stressful and reading can feel like a chore. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Right brain kids learn easily when the creative, imaginative right side of the brain is engaged. Think: pictures, songs, rhymes and flashcards!

What will my child learn?
Our Appleseed Right Brain Reading Program sets young children up for every success with a fun-filled arsenal of early literacy tools. Gone are the days where reading feels like toil. Children learn to read through play.
1. Phonemic awareness
Phonemic awareness is the ability to identify and manipulate the sounds that form words. Your child will learn how to recognize rhyming patterns, match sounds and letters, and form an awareness of how sounds come together to form words.
2. Lowercase phonics
Next, we teach how visual letters are connected to the sounds that they make. Your child will learn how to break down words into sounds and to build sounds into words. All of this is done most effectively when the right brain is engaged through a range of activities that feel like games.
3. Easy-peasy sight words
Sight words are an important tool in the right brain toolbox. The ability to recognize them is built on the concept that the right brain sees words as shapes. When a word is flashed, the right brain hears the word, sees a picture of the word and commits it to photographic memory.
4. Picture-word vocabulary
Your child will gain an understanding of words, their meanings and context using picture-based flashcards. Increasing vocabulary skills is a very important building block in academic success; the more words that children know, the more they will be able to read.
Each class is jam-packed with a variety of vocabulary topics, pulled from our weekly TweedleWink lesson. These topics are reinforced and strengthened so that your child's picture-word “mental library” is rich and FULL... and freely accessed.
5. Color-coded grammar
and spelling play
Grammar literally becomes “child's play” as your child learns sentence structure, parts of speech and spelling with quick-thinking, low-stress group games. These fun activities help to improve language, reading, writing and spelling skills. And the right brain is used every step of the way with bright colors and silly stories!
6. Creative Comprehension
Right-brain readers are invested in the stories they read. They imagine the characters and the stories in their minds, and they share the emotions of the characters as they read. When reading nonfiction, readers can gain information, link what they’ve read to other sources, deepen their understanding, increase vocabulary, and deepen comprehension.
7. Fluency and enjoyment
The more your child reads, the more understanding and advanced their skills become. These lessons achieve this through right brain activities that build stamina — and JOY — in reading. The same way that a workout program increases fitness over time, putting time, energy, and practice into reading builds proficiency.
8. Speed reading readiness
Eye exercises, visual tracking, flashcards, PhotoEyeplay gentle color stimulation, peripheral vision expansion, and photographic memory games keep key right brain centers open and active. Wink speed reading activities build upon the early training provided in these classes.